A69171 Джорж Самнер Элби


Я объединил Джорж Самнер Элби и Джорж Сампер Элби, но вот доказательства предположению что он это
Albee, George Sumner, 1905-1964. OAC ( 1905 - 1964)
Biographical History
George Sumner Albee was born in Wisconsin, May 12, 1905. After the death of his father, he was taken by his mother to California. He graduated from the University of California in 1927 and then traveled in France, North Africa, China and Japan. He returned to Los Angeles, writing for the motion picture studios and fan magazines. In the mid-thirties he moved to New York City to concentrate on a writing career. Failing to find a publisher immediately, he worked for an advertising agency and wrote commercials for the DuPont radio program, Cavalcade of America. During the war, he worked for the Treasury Department, writing bond-selling speeches.

Mr. Albee has written a number of short stories, published in such magazines as Saturday Evening Post, McCall's, Cosmopolitan and Collier's. His novels include Not In a Day (1935), Young Robert (1937), Girl on the Beach (1953), and The Boys (1957). He died in Sarasota, Florida, on January 28, 1964.

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by George Siimner Albee

''9:07 A.M. to Jonathan Ger-
ber from L. Lester Leath," read
the pale green memorandum slip
on the desk. "Kindly save your day
for me. Attached is an elevator
pass for your permanent posses-
sion. Suggest you visit 13 th Floor
this morning, but no higher.

''So — after all these years/' said
Jonathan to himself as he dreve
the pass, the first he had ever actu»
ally touched, from its glassine en-
velope. It v^as, of course, a minia-
ture pyramid. One metal surface
bore the firm name, Allied, the
other a photoengraving of his,

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